Representing independent vapor manufacturers across the United States, AVM works to preserve the thriving vapor industry by providing support, representation, and engagement in the federal regulatory process. AVM members receive access to group testing strategies and tools to navigate federal regulatory requirements. We serve our members with integrity, diligence, and resourcefulness.

Our industry is strongest when we are united. When working as one, we are most effective.
· Goals ·
Encourage a viable independent vapor marketplace by making the PMTA process an attainable goal for independent manufacturers.
Advocate for PMTA reform for independent manufacturers to ensure that the market remains open to manufacturers of all sizes.
Represent our members as they navigate the federal regulatory process, from preparation to submission to maintaining compliance.
Engage with relevant policy makers and agencies in an effort to reduce the regulatory testing burden for the independent vapor industry.
Resolve submission deficiencies by making required testing available and affordable through innovative testing strategies.
Ensure our members have a viable regulatory pathway to continue bringing new products to the marketplace in the future.

· Origins ·
The American Vapor Manufacturers Association (AVM) was formed to organize and represent small manufacturers as they navigate the federal regulatory process. The founders of AVM have demonstrated a long standing commitment to our industry and have a proven track record of working hard for small business. Our President, Amanda Wheeler, has represented our industry at the federal regulatory level since June of 2019. At that time, Amanda began her journey by preparing a request to HHS and FDA to develop a small business PMTA pathway that was signed by 1,453 businesses. Amanda also collaborated with esteemed industry attorney Azim Chowdhury to develop a small business PMTA proposal. Since that time, Amanda has worked tirelessly to engage with HHS, FDA, the Trump Administration, and members of Congress to advocate for the small business proposal and the work that our co-founder, Char Owen has done to get over 200 businesses to the point they were able to submit pre-market tobacco applications for over 1.7 million products.
Coincidentally, our co-founder and Vice President Char Owen also began advocating for our industry’s ability to participate in the PMTA process in June of 2019. Char was motivated by the desire to honor her father’s memory, since he passed away from lung cancer due to a lifetime of smoking. Char had a conviction that there could be a viable path forward for small businesses to participate in the PMTA process. She set about her work to bring crowdsourced tools to small businesses that needed assistance preparing the documents necessary for successful PMTA submission. Over 200 businesses came together under Char’s leadership to successfully complete the requirements necessary to have PMTA’s successfully submitted and accepted.
Amanda and Char have combined their respective efforts to create the AVM. Char and Amanda believe very strongly that to progress further in this process, independent vapor manufacturers must organize and work together to obtain quality representation and group buying power for creative testing solutions. By pooling our resources and organizing, AVM is committed to seeing our members through the PMTA regulatory process.