Anti-Vaping WSJ Scribe Cheers White Claw For ‘Upending’ Beverage Market With Flavored Booze
WSJ contributor Jennifer Maloney, long known for her critical coverage of flavored vaping products, pens a glowing report about the flavored seltzer mogul.

‘Confidential’ FDA Documents Contradict Agency’s Public Claims About Vapes | Part 2
An AVM FOIA request turns up a “confidential” FDA study clearly documenting the benefits of vaping, contradicting the agency’s fear-mongering claims about e-cigarettes.

‘Confidential’ FDA Documents Contradict Agency’s Public Claims About Vapes | Part 1
An AVM FOIA request turns up a “confidential” FDA study clearly documenting the benefits of vaping, contradicting the agency’s fear-mongering claims about e-cigarettes.

FDA Quietly Meets with Anti-Vaping Groups Following Explosive Reagan-Udall Criticism
The same day the Reagan-Udall Foundation published its scathing review of FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, agency commissioner Robert Califf convened with CTFK and other anti-vaping groups.

American Heart Association Hypes Bunk Research On Vaping and Cardiovascular Health
The American Heart Association continues it trend of promoting the dubious results of unpublished studies on the health effects of vaping

How Bloomberg Bankrolls "Nonprofit" Journalism
Let’s talk about how Bloomberg-backed Vital Strategies bankrolls reporting at “nonprofit” journalism outlets to further the anti-vaping narrative.

FDA Personnel Speak Out in Reagan-Udall Review
During the Reagan-Udall Foundation’s review of the FDA’S Center for Tobacco Products, FDA scientists spoke out against “toxic culture.”

AVM Calls Out NPR For Slanted Vaping Coverage
For years NPR has hyped invented health panics and quoted discredited academics, all while disregarding vaping’s crucial role in helping adults quit smoking.

Politico Given Exclusive Interview with FDA Tobacco Head, Uses It to Push Prohibitionist Talking Points
Notice how outlets like Politico always want FDA to crack down harder, expand further, get stricter, prohibit more.

AVM Confronts Stat News on Bloomberg Funding
Since 2018, Reporter Chris Kirkham and Reuters have been cajoling FDA to outlaw vaping products and strip them from the market.

AVM Challenges Reuters' Slanted Reporting on Vaping
Since 2018, Reporter Chris Kirkham and Reuters have been cajoling FDA to outlaw vaping products and strip them from the market.

New York Times Misleads on Synthetic Nicotine Vaping
The NYT publishes one of the most outrageously misleading and distorted articles on vaping we've ever seen.

Bloomberg Hijacks Harm Reduction Group Vital Strategies to Push Anti-Vaping Propaganda
Will other groups in the harm reduction community sit still while Vital Strategies, having completely sold out to a maniacal billionaire, denounces their work and calls them shills?

How Billionaire-Backed Activist Groups Buy Anti-Vaping Headlines
Bloomberg-funded prohibition groups use deceptive content farms to pretend their bunk research and pronouncements are actual news.

Why Progressives Should Support Vapers
Let’s talk about why the Progressive Caucus ought to be sticking up for vapers.

Prohibitionist Members of Congress Invest in Tobacco Stocks
The problem: Members of Congress have direct access to the highest levels of policymaking that will enhance their investments.

Kentucky Congressman Backs ‘Nicotine Tax,’ Exempts Cigarettes
Congressman John Yarmuth (D-KY), Chairman of the House Budget Committee, inserted a nicotine tax into the $3.5 trillion federal spending bill—but exempted cigarettes.

FDA On ‘Warpath’ Against Vaping
In the wake of the FDA’s regulatory malfeasance on vaping policy, we at AVM have a moral duty to act as a voice for the businesses that serve millions of Americans who use vaping to quit smoking.

California Congressman Backs Gargantuan Vape Tax
Congressman Mike Thompson (D-CA) insists that ordinary Americans shouldn’t use flavored vaping products, despite the fact that he got rich by selling flavored alcohol.