AVM Announces New Leadership Team
Please join us in congratulating AVM president and co-founder Amanda Wheeler as she advances to the next stage in her career. Amanda will join Philip Morris International as the company’s Southwest Regional Director for State Governmental Affairs, where she will continue her work as a tireless tobacco harm-reduction advocate.

Filter Magazine: FDA Begins Enforcement Over Synthetic Nicotine Vapes
“AVM and its members have pleaded with the FDA to use its enforcement discretion to allow the continued sale of open system vaping products that adults use to quit smoking while companies collect the required evidence,” [Wheeler] continued. “But the agency’s slipshod regulatory decisions leave us with more questions about whether the agency is acting to the benefit of combustible cigarettes.”

The Hill: AVM Comments on FDA Warning Letters to Synthetic Nicotine Companies
The American Vapor Manufacturers group said Congress’s deadline was “impossible” for companies to meet. “It should not be surprising that some companies could not submit the robust data and evidentiary requirements in time,” said Amanda Wheeler, the group’s president. “This latest crackdown shows that the FDA would rather pander to politicians who believe they know better than the millions of Americans who will now be forced back to cigarettes as more and more vaping products are banned.”

Bloomberg Law: AVM Comments on FDA Synthetic Nicotine Crackdown
“This latest crackdown shows that the FDA would rather pander to politicians who believe they know better than the millions of Americans who will now be forced back to cigarettes as more and more vaping products are banned,” American Vapor Manufacturers President Amanda Wheeler said in an emailed statement.

Stat News: AVM Citizen Petition Cited
The American Vapor Manufacturers has also argued that the deadlines Congress set for vapor manufacturers to submit applications for synthetic products were impossible to meet because, the group argues, the studies necessary for an FDA application cannot be completed in 60 days. “The sudden … deadline for products that were just redefined to be legally tobacco products was not only difficult for companies to fully comply — it was impossible,” the group wrote in its petition to the FDA. “Quite simply, the time frames provided were unrealistic and unfeasible.”

Vaping360: AVM Asks FDA to Delay Business-Killing Enforcement
As of June 26, almost 3,000 electronic petition comments had been logged by the FDA. That’s not a large number, but the citizen petition has faced a lot of competition for publicity in the vaping world during the 10 days since it was posted. AVM President Amanda Wheeler told Vaping360 it’s important that comments are posted before the FDA enforcement deadline July 13.

Filter Magazine: Global Forum on Nicotine Seeks to Accelerate Harm Reduction for All
'“For me, being at GFN was like one of those movies that suddenly switches from black-and-white to color,” Amanda Wheeler, owner of vape shops in Arizona and president of American Vapor Manufacturers, told Filter. “Most of the time, all the impressive voices we hear are up against forces trying to push them to the margins.” “But this time they were front and center and right in the spotlight,” she continued. “It was so inspiring to see a veteran journalist like Marc Gunther explaining how shining a reporting light on the prohibition movement exposes a mosaic of intolerance and corruption. Or Professor Marewa Glover detailing how she and her fellow academics face intimidation and blacklisting for simply following their scientific research objectively.”

Roll Call: AVM Comments on Juul Ban
Amanda Wheeler, president of lobbying group American Vapor Manufacturers Association, called the decision “regulatory arson” Wednesday, before the FDA officially rejected Juul’s applications. “Measured in lives lost and potential destroyed, FDA’s staggering indifference to ordinary Americans and their right to switch to the vastly safer alternative of vaping will surely rank as one of the greatest episodes of regulatory malpractice in American history,” she said.

Politico: AVM Calls Juul Ban “Regulatory Arson”
Vaping advocates were unsettled by the news. “[This] is the latest sorry example of the agency’s campaign of regulatory arson against the nicotine-vaping products that millions of Americans rely on as an alternative to cigarettes,” said Amanda Wheeler, president of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association, in a statement.

NPR: AVM Says FDA Shows “Staggering Indifference” Toward Ordinary Americans
But the decision incensed Amanda Wheeler, the president of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association. Wheeler accused the FDA of waging a "campaign of regulatory arson against the nicotine vaping products that millions of Americans rely on as an alternative to cigarettes." It was a sign, she said, of the FDA's "staggering indifference to ordinary Americans and their right to switch" to vaping.

Washington Examiner: AVM Says “FDA Is Hellbent to Arbitrarily Crush” Vaping
"This shameful decision is hard proof that no matter how deeply resourced or how meticulous the research in the market application, FDA is hellbent to arbitrarily crush the most widely used vaping products preferred by adult Americans,” said AVM’s Wheeler.

Filter Magazine: Juul to Be Removed From US Vape Market by the FDA, Reports Say
“FDA’s apparent intention to outlaw Juul is the latest sorry example of the agency’s campaign of regulatory arson against the nicotine vaping products that millions of Americans rely on as an alternative to cigarettes,” Amanda Wheeler, a vape shop owner in Arizona and president of American Vapor Manufacturers, said in a press statement. “Measured in lives lost and potential destroyed,” she continued, “FDA’s staggering indifference to ordinary Americans and their right to switch to the vastly safer alternative of vaping will surely rank as one of the greatest episodes of regulatory malpractice in American history.”

Amanda Wheeler Speaks at Global Forum on Nicotine 2022
On June 18, 2022, Amanda Wheeler spoke on a Keynote Panel at the 2022 Global Forum on Nicotine in Warsaw, Poland.

Winston-Salem Journal: Wheeler Comments on FDA’s Synthetic Nicotine Authority
Amanda Wheeler, president of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association, said giving the FDA authority over synthetic nicotine would serve to slow down the shift of adult smokers toward vaping options. “It’s already lunatic that FDA is prohibiting adult American smokers from switching to vaping, but this legislation is so absurd that it will extend FDA’s reach to products that have no actual, physical connection to tobacco whatsoever,” Wheeler said. “It is worth considering the market implications of cigarettes being an extraordinarily and ever-increasingly profitable business, while regulations ban or otherwise disadvantage low-risk alternatives.”

Politico Prescription Pulse: AVM Comments on New Center for Tobacco Products Director
Vaping advocates fear that [Brian] King will eliminate potentially safer options for adults wishing to quit smoking. “With cigarette sales spiking for the first time in 20 years, choosing a dead-ender prohibitionist sends the message that ideology is more important than results,” Amanda Wheeler, president of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association, said in a statement.

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Federal regulations may kill Nevada vaping businesses
Amanda Wheeler, president of American Vapor Manufacturers, told the Review-Journal that FDA policies on vaping have actually resulted in a rise in cigarette sales for the first time in 20 years, according to Federal Trade Commission statistics. “I can tell you firsthand that scores of vaping businesses of every size are going bankrupt daily, many – many thousands in just the last year,” said Wheeler, who has shops in Arizona and Colorado.

Filter: Colorado Flavored Vape Ban Voted Down in Big Loss for Prohibitionists
Wheeler offered three reasons she believed the flavor vape ban ultimately failed: Harm reduction advocates, vape shop owners, and lobbyists had argued privately and in public that such a move would keep Colorado’s smokers at risk (with no viable safer nicotine alternatives available), close down a bevy of small businesses and sink tax revenue.

Business of Business Interviews Amanda Wheeler: In Defense of Vaping
Amanda Wheeler sits down with Business of Business to talk about the health effects of vaping, whether it’s safer than smoking, and why she thinks it would be a bad thing for the industry to be wiped out.