Washington Times Op-Ed: How FDA’s Mitch Zeller blew it on nicotine policy
By Amanda Wheeler
This month the principal architect of America’s nicotine policy regulation, Mitch Zeller, will retire as head of FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products. His career highlight might be the arbitrary outlawing of nearly all nicotine vaping products, which are the single most effective smoking cessation method ever devised.

Phoenix Business Journal Op-Ed: Why statewide standards are needed for Arizona vaping laws
By Amanda Wheeler
Promoting better health outcomes for all Americans right now is something that should unite public health officials, activists and policymakers on both sides of the aisle. Even as we turn the corner on the pandemic, the heightened attention we are giving to our health and wellness is a good thing, and it is critical that the Arizona Legislature does its part.

PennLive Op-Ed: Pennsylvania needs an honest conversation on tobacco harm reduction and vaping
By Amanda Wheeler
Sometimes the loudest voice isn’t the most responsible when it comes to public health. And we can all agree that it is important to get the facts when making a decision that will impact the health and wellness of ourselves and our families. As Pennsylvanians discuss tobacco and e-cigarettes, we must make more room for the stories of thousands of people like myself who were able to turn to vaping to quit smoking traditional cigarettes.

Time: A Small Policy Change Could Transform the U.S. Vaping Industry
Some in the vaping industry slammed the FDA for shrinking the number of cigarette-alternatives available in the U.S. “This bill ought to be called the Cigarette Protection Act, because the indisputable outcome will be countless more Americans pushed away from nicotine vaping and back into combustible smoking,” Amanda Wheeler, president of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association, told Filter.

The Hill: Congress on verge of closing vaping loophole
“It’s already lunatic that FDA is prohibiting adult American smokers from switching to vaping but this legislation is so absurd that it will extend FDA’s reach to products that have no actual, physical connection to tobacco whatsoever,” said Amanda Wheeler, president of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association.

Filter: FDA Poised to Gain Regulatory Power Over Synthetic Nicotine
“This bill ought to be called the Cigarette Protection Act, because the indisputable outcome will be countless more Americans pushed away from nicotine vaping and back into combustible smoking,” said Amanda Wheeler, the president of the American Vapor Manufacturers association.

Washington Post: Congress moves to give FDA new powers over synthetic nicotine…
“Like nearly the whole of our industry, we believe synthetic nicotine is a positive innovation that enhances consumer choice and provides a crucial pathway for cigarette smokers to switch to vaping,” said Amanda Wheeler, president of the American Vapor Manufacturers.

Tobacco Reporter: The Chosen Few
Amanda Wheeler is angry.
Who is she angry with? I think it would be fair to say she is angry with a lot of people and organizations, but mainly she is angry with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, some politicians, large swathes of the U.S. media, “scientists” who put their names to the findings of flawed research into vaping and people who use their wealth and influence to spread misleading stories about vaping, sometimes based on flawed research.

New York Post Op-Ed: Smoking is up for the first time in decades, thanks partly to the FDA’s regressive war on vaping
By Amanda Wheeler
For the first time in 20 years, smoking rates are on the rise. That mournful finding ought to be reinvigorating the effort to stamp out cigarettes. Astoundingly, the opposite is happening.

Fox Business: Build Back Better package's added vape tax leaves House Dems under scrutiny
Amanda Wheeler also pointed to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research, which estimated the tax would result in "approximately a half million extra teenage smokers overall."

Fox Business: Pelosi's office defends vape tax, says practice not 'essential need for working families'
“Speaker Pelosi is wrong on the math, wrong on the science, and apparently has not even read the government’s own estimates of the public health disaster this vape tax will cause.”

Filter: Federal Vape Tax Reappears in “Build Back Better”—New Cigarette Tax Vanishes
“Members pushing this tax seem to have no conception of just how intensely irate voters are about it. Millions of vapers cut across every political and social demographic, and this is more than a single-issue passion for them; it’s life or death.”

Winston-Salem Journal: Potential removal of tobacco excise tax hike seen as win for manufacturers
“We are not surrendering our business or abandoning vapers to cigarettes. As we say in Arizona, this is more than just a fight. It’s going to be a reckoning.”

Filter: The FDA’s Vape Fiasco Will Perpetuate Smoking Deaths
“We are not surrendering our business or abandoning vapers to cigarettes. As we say in Arizona, this is more than just a fight. It’s going to be a reckoning.”

Vaping360: Biden Could Pick Vaping Foe Robert Califf as FDA Chief
“Senators should be skeptical and prepared to vote no until we have an FDA commissioner who is willing to use vaping as a tool to promote public health and not continue the FDA’s regulatory arson that leaves former and current smokers without a safe and effective way to quit.”

Politico: Confusion clouds FDA’s approach to e-cigarettes
“The most generous interpretation is that FDA has made a sweeping clerical error in denying these products.”

Reason: The FDA Ignores Latest Data Because It Weakens the Case for New Restrictions
“Federal regulators routinely downplay or purposefully spin their own research to prop up an alarmist narrative based on a mirage, and deep-pocketed anti-vaping activist groups continue to ignore or conceal the large-scale public health benefits of our products.”

Filter: Vape Advocates and Prohibitionists Temporarily Unite to Slam the FDA
“FDA could have approached this by allowing companies that have always been registered with them and inspected by them to continue serving their customers while approaching the broader issue on a basis of sound science and true public health.”

Amanda Wheeler Gives Keynote Address at GTNF 2021
“We are not going to sit still while the FDA endangers our health, crushes our livelihoods, and treats the American people like gullible idiots.”